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why school sucks.

By 11:48 , , , , , , , ,

School is always like 'oh we don't want you to be stressed, we care about your mental health, we don't want to give you too much homework' etc.

But then by the last week of term all the coursework is due, all the teachers set tests and essays at the same time and we're all so dead already from not sleeping since the last holidays that it feels like torture. 

And then you think its all over, it's the holidays, time to relax, see friends and catch up on sleep. But there always ends up being something you have to do whether it being catching up on something you missed, going over some stuff you didn't understand, studying for exams, projects and essays... It always ends up being almost as stressful as the term time because you've always gotta be worried about what's coming next.

 If teachers could just learn to spread things out a little bit, and understand that we have other things to do apart from schoolwork it would be so much better. 

But rant over, I'm just feeling like this because it's almost the end of half term and I can't face going back to school. Year 11 is the worst because EVERYTHING ACTUALLY MATTERS, it's not just stupid stuff you're learning for the sake of it, it's for exams that basically determine the beginning of the rest of your life. And the most ridiculous thing is, we haven't even done our mocks yet but we already have to start thinking about A-Levels, where if you don't choose one subject it could limit what careers you could choose. 

I just think that at 15/16 years old it's a ridiculous amount of pressure to put on us when we aren't even being treated like adults. 

So, I'd better get back to work but feel free to tell me what you think about all this!

Until next time


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